Student Solution


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A.5.1 Exam

A.5.1 Exam

Q Question 1 4 / 4 pts The production possibilities curve below shows the hypothetical relationship between the production of guns (national defense) and butter (social goods) in an economy. Combination Guns Butter A 0 4 B 14 3 C 26 2 D 36 1 E 44 0 Your response should be a number ONLY. 1. What is the marginal opportunity cost of producing the second unit of butter? 2. What is the total opportunity cost of producing the second unit of butter? 3. What is the marginal opportunity cost of producing the third unit of butter? 4. What is the total opportunity cost of producing the third unit of butter? Question 2 3 / 3 pts Using the Supply and Demand data below, graph the equilibrium price and quantity for the market for oats. Identify the equilibrium price and quantity. (DO NOT list every price and quantity in your graph.) Price Quantity demanded (bushels of oats) Price Quantity supplied (bushels of oats) $4.40 10,000 $4.40 40,000 4.20 15,000 4.20 35,000 4.00 20,000 4.00 30,000 3.80 25,000 3.80 25,000 3.60 30,000 3.60 20,000 3.20 35,000 3.20 15,000 Equilibrium Price $ Equilibrium Quantity Describe the market at a price of $4.20. At $4.20, there is a (select wither Shortage or Surplus) of (state a numerical value) units. Describe the market at a price of $3.60 At $3.60, there is a (select wither Shortage or Surplus) of (state a numerical value) units. Question 3 3 / 3 pts Assume that England and Spain can switch between producing cheese and producing bread at a constant rate. Labor Hours Needed to Make 1 Unit of Number of Units Produced in 100 Hours Cheese Bread Cheese Bread England 1 4 100 25 Spain 4 20 25 5 England should export Spain should export Construct a terms of trade ration that would benefit each nation Cheese to one unit of Bread

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1.Answer 1: Correct!10 Correct Answer 10 guns Correct Answer 10 Guns Answer 2: Correct!18 Correct Answer 18 guns Correct Answer 18 Guns Answer 3: Correct!12 Correct Answer 12 guns Correct Answer 12 Guns Answer 4: Correct!30 Correct Answer 30 guns Correct Answer 30 Guns 2.Answer 1: Correct!3.80 Correct Answer 3.8 Answer 2: Correct!25000 Correct Answer 25,000 Answer 3: Correct!Surplus Correct Answer surplus Answer 4: Correct!20000 Correct Answer 20,000 Answer 5: Correct!Shortage Correct Answer shortage Answer 6: Correct!10000 Correct Answer 10,000 3.Answer 1: Correct!Bread Answer 2: Correct!Cheese Answer 3: Correct!4.5